A documentary chronicling the life of former WWE head Vince McMahon, including his sexual misconduct allegations, is set to debut on Netflix on September 25 as a series of six hour-long episodes. Titled Mr. McMahon, the documentary will run through the early days of him buying the promotion, then called WWF, from his father to his eventual ouster from the company as the allegations came to light. He previously gave up control of the company when WWE merged with the UFC to form the TKO Group, and he took on the position of executive chairman.
McMahon and former WWE executive John Laurinaitis were both named in the suit filed by Janel Grant, a former WWE employee. Despite these allegations looming large over the documentary, viewers won’t be hearing from Grant, according to her lawyer, Ann Callis. The reason for this is she wants the opportunity to tell her own story later on instead of having it just be part of a documentary, according to The Wrap.
“While Janel didn’t participate in the Netflix docuseries, we hope it shines a light on the abhorrent actions of McMahon, frequently on WWE property, and it portrays the realities of his abusive and exploitative behavior,” Callis said.
In a press call ahead of the documentary’s release, Callis said she’s hopeful an indictment is coming for McMahon. The U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York is conducting an investigation, which has forced Callis to pause her own investigation as she awaits an outcome.
What Is Mr. McMahon About?
The documentary will cover the early beginnings of the company from when he took over and what he did to take it to the top. Following four years of filming interviews with McMahon, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, and many others, director Chris Smith said he had to incorporate the new allegations into the story.
“Over the four years of production, the story evolved in truly shocking ways, culminating in some extremely harrowing allegations,” he said. “The final product is a revealing documentary that we believe offers a rich and nuanced portrait of the man and the complex legacy he left behind.”
Netflix says the series is comprised of more than 200 interviews with McMahon, his family, journalists, business associates, and professional wrestlers. All of McMahon’s interviews came before he resigned from the WWE, so don’t expect to hear him directly address any of his allegations.
Mr. McMahon
debuts September 25 on Netflix. All six episodes drop at once.