The climactic finale of Deadpool & Wolverine saw the eponymous heroes (played by Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman, respectively) face off against dozens of Deadpool variants, including a cowboy-inspired version voiced by Matthew McConaughey. Cowboypool, or “The Deadpool Kid” as he’s better known in the comics, is exactly what you’d expect him to be, a hat-wearing, pistol-slinging Deadpool, with a gruff southern accent. The variant is inspired by classic Hollywood westerns, but an alternate design for the character would have paid homage to the greatest western hero in cinema.
The character takes heavy inspiration from classic Western actors like John Wayne, Gary Cooper, and Randolph Scott, but the most prominent inspiration for the character is undoubtedly Clint Eastwood’s “Man With No Name,” from Sergio Leonne’s Dollars trilogy. In a newly released piece of concept art for Deadpool & Wolverine, artist Jonay Bacallado (via Instagram) revealed that Cowboypool was originally going to look a lot more like Eastwood’s iconic character. The Cowboypool in the film sports a bandoiler across his chest, with a cowboy hat, and two revolvers. But the original design saw the character go full-on The Good, The Bad & the Ugly, wearing the character’s signature poncho. Additionally, the design saw the character adorned with a red colored fur vest, as well as dark brown chaps. In the caption, Bacallado explained the design process for Cowboypool, and revealed that the variant was one of the first to be conceptualized for the movie. He wrote:
“Cowboypool was one the first ones to be conceptualised. [Costume designer] Mayes [Rubeo] wanted to pay homage to the western genre. We got inspiration from great icons like Clint Eastwood. We adapted to shapes, materials and motifs to a more organic vibe. The Deadpool poncho pattern was even created in the traditional method of knitting. Turned out to be a guy with so much attitude!”
A Deadpool & Wolverine Concept Art Book is Coming Soon(ish)
The internet has been flooded with Deadpool & Wolverine concept art over the last few weeks as artists have proudly shared their unused designs with fans. As well as the alternate (and honestly much cooler) version of Cowboypool, alternate designs for the Cavillerine, Jennifer Garner’s Elektra, and a weird Deadpool/Wolverine hybrid have all been embraced by fans, who are now upset that they didn’t make it in the movie.
As well as showcasing their amazing work, the release of all of this concept art arrives just as an official book is being prepared. The concept art book was first teased by artist Wesley Burt. Burt didn’t give any official release date for the book, only that he was sure it was being worked on. Rumors suggest the art book will be available starting this October. However, no one from Marvel Studios has commented on its status. It is common for studios to release concept art/storyboard books for their popular movies, especially those in the superhero genre. But, with no confirmed release date, fans will have to make do with scrolling through social media to see what they could have had in the movie.
Deadpool & Wolverine
is currently screening in theaters.