The John Wick franchise became a stone-cold action classic across four movies starring Keanu Reeves. As the franchise continues to expand as it hits its 10th anniversary, long-term producer Erica Lee addressed how not being able to compete with the Fast & Furious style of action helped the film play to its strengths and become a success.
Speaking to MovieWeb, Lee looked back on her 10-year journey with the franchise, including what it is that makes the franchise work and connect with audiences. One big part of that comes down to the original movie not being able to do one thing that the Fast & Furious movies built their success on, and instead having to focus on what they did have: a dedicated Keanu Reeves. Lee told MovieWeb’s Matt Mahler:
“I mean I think that Wick works because, you know, we didn’t have a lot of money in the first movie also. So people were like, you know, we were shooting in New York. ‘Oh you never do car chases.’ Well, yeah, we can’t afford them, we can’t outdo what Fast does. So we stuck to our strengths, right? It was that we have a star who can ride a motorcycle, and can drive, and can do his own stunt work and will train for six months before a movie. So all of these are our strengths and not every movie has that. Not every star is willing to do that. So those are our strengths, and we play to them.”
Will Keanu Reeves Return for John Wick 5?
There have been many opinions shared by the stars and creators behind the John Wick franchise about whether we will see Keanu Reeves back as the dog-loving assassin again after his upcoming supporting role in Ballerina. While director Chad Stahelski has said on multiple occasions that he is not particularly interested in continuing the story unless there is a new plot that is worthy of the character, Lee is still hopeful that they can “get the band back together” at some point in the future. She said:
“I think I’m always hopeful we get the band back together, because it’s such a rewarding experience, and we make movies that people really love and have helped define a genre. So in my heart, I hope it’s not over. I think we have more stories to tell. Obviously, we have a very high standard, and the story has to be right, and the scenarios and everything. Chad’s likely going to do other stuff in between, and Keanu as well, so the timing has to be right. It all has to sort of come together in a way that makes sense, but I am hopeful that one day we can figure out what that movie is.”
John Wick Producer Erica Lee Dishes on the Future of the Franchise, Ballerina, and Sicario 3
The Thunder Road producer has been with the franchise since the first John Wick 10 years ago, and discusses its future.
Fans of Reeves will get to see him back in character in the Ana de Armas-led Ballerina on June 6, 2025. Beyond that, it seems that we can only wait to see what comes next from the franchise that found success by delivering to its strengths and not attempting to capitalize on the success of other franchises.